Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Argumenta Issue 13

Including the Special Issue on Modelling the COVID-19 Pandemic: Epidemiological, Epistemological, and Ethical Challenges
November 2021 • 17 articles



If we were seeking consolation for the huge difficulties that have plagued us since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, we might draw some comfort from the breadth and depth of the discussions that it has given rise to, for all that these have often led to the expression and propagation of misleading views. The present number of Argumenta opens with a Special Issue that intends to take stock of the tenor and quality of these discussions, bringing to light the awareness that we have been acquiring over the last few months about our overall cognitive situation.

The Special Issue, edited by Margherita Benzi, Raffaella Campaner and Francesco Barone-Adesi, is entitled Modelling the COVID-19 Pandemic: Epidemiological, Epistemological, and Ethical Challenges, and draws attention to the intricacy of formulating models that take into account the many factors at work in a pandemic. The result is an up-to-date discussion of these aspects that, by focusing on epistemological and epidemiological views, seek to identify what epistemic virtues should guide the choice of models for explanatory and predictive purposes.

The present number also includes three articles that have already appeared in ‘early view’ (by Fabio Bacchini and Nicola Piras, John Biro, and Anna Ichino and Juha Räikkä), and that have already made and will continue to make significant contributions to discussion in their respective fields.

The number is then topped off by the section of Book Reviews. We are proud to offer readers three new thoughtful reviews of as many interesting books.

Finally, I would like to thank all the colleagues who have acted as external referees, the Assistant Editors, the Editor of the Book Reviews, the members of the Editorial Board, and the Editors of the Special Issue. All of them have been very generous with their work, advice, and suggestions.

As usual, the articles appearing in Argumenta are freely accessible and freely downloadable, therefore it only remains to wish you:

Buona lettura!


Massimo Dell’Utri


