Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

In this paper I face the issue of eliminativism about race. I suggest that a partial as opposed to a blank eliminativism is the epistemically correct philosophical position, by remarking that there are different concepts of “race” and for each of them different philosophical and scientific considerations apply. I first introduce the eliminativist position and show that different forms of eliminativism exist; I then examine how distinct kinds of eliminativism apply to the concept of “bio-genomic” and “social race”, respectively, across different scientific fields. I conclude that while the concept of “bio-genomic race” should be fully eliminated because it does not refer and is not useful in any scientific context, the concept of “social race”, even in case we hold an anti-realist ontological position about it, is notably useful in some scientific fields and therefore should not be eliminated under some eliminativist positions for both epistemic and ethical reasons.

The concept of “biological race” is a controversial concept that many scholars from different disciplines consider as an unscientific idea and a dangerous myth bringing along racism. In Robert Sussman’s words…


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