Samuel Kahn
Samuel Kahn is Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University, Indianapolis. He received dual degrees in Philosophy and Bioengineering in 2005 from the University of Pennsylvania, and he received a PhD in Philosophy in 2012 from Stanford University. He has been the recipient of numerous prizes and scholarships, including a Fulbright in 2008 and a Geballe in 2011. In 2013 Samuel won the Review of Metaphysics dissertation essay contest, and in 2015 he was included in the Prindle Institute for Ethics Young Philosophers Lecture Series. His work on Kant has won the prestigious Markus Herz prize (2011), and he is the first (and only) person to win the North American Kant Society Wilfrid Sellars prize twice (2019, 2021). He has published over 40 articles and book reviews in journals including Ethics, Kantian Review, Kant Studien, and British Journal for the History of Philosophy. His first research monograph, Kant, Ought Implies Can, the Principle of Alternate Possibilities, and Happiness, appeared with an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield in 2018; his second, Kant’s Theory of Conscience, appeared in the Cambridge University Press Element series in 2021.