Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Argumenta Issue 05

Including the Special Issue on A Hundred Year of Donald Davidson
November 2017 • 11 articles



The first issue of the third volume of Argumenta opens with the Special Issue A Hundred Year of Donald Davidson, edited by Cristina Amoretti, Mario De Caro and Francesca Ervas. The great American philosopher was born in 1917, and the extent and depth of his reflection, together with the powerful twist he gave to the philosophical discussion worldwide, deserve to be celebrated with the due critical consideration and dispassionate interest.

To this end, some of the leading scholars of Davidson’s thought active today have been gathered by the editors of the Special Issue and present their own appraisal of the aspects of Davidson’s philosophy they are best acquainted with, stretching their analysis from radical interpretation to the theory of meaning, from decision theory to the theory of action, from ethics to meta-ethics, from the conception of normativity to that of rationality, passing through questions involving metaphor, holism, naturalism and triangulation. It is the conviction of the members of the Editorial Board that the profundity and originality of the articles making up this Special Issue will mark a contribution to a field of thought destined to represent a point of reference for generations of scholars to come.

After the Special Issue, we present an article on the interpretation John Searle has given of J.L. Austin’s view on truth, written by Odai Al Zoubi. The criticism the author deploys of Searle’s claims adds an interesting and original piece to the understanding of the prominent English philosopher of language.

The section of Book Reviews then rounds off once again the number. We are proud to offer readers three other thoughtful reviews on as many interesting books.

As usual, all the articles appearing in Argumenta are freely accessible and freely downloadable. Heartily thanking all the colleagues who have acted as referees, we wish everybody:

Buona lettura!

Massimo Dell’Utri


