Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

A turn is taking place in analytic philosophy of mind. This article attempts to flesh out this claim by providing an overview of what may be called ‘analytic phenomenology’. The first section gives some reasons why this overview may be useful. The overview itself takes up the second section, which is divided into five sub-sections that address some of the central themes of analytic phenomenology. The third section draws a ‘family portrait’ of the movement, and assesses its general cultural significance. A brief appendix distinguishes analytic phenomenology from ‘4E-phenomenology’.

For some years now, a veritable ‘phenomenological turn’ has been taking place in analytic philosophy: ideas developed by phenomenologists such as Brentano, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty or Sartre are being echoed by an increasing number of analytic philosophers of mind. This article attempts to flesh out this claim by providing some details about the themes, names and works that characterise what can be called…


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