The term ‘Posthuman’ literally means ‘something that comes after the human’; a fascinating, if vague, concept. But what exactly is a posthuman? For some, it means a superhuman, or perhaps a beyond-human, the next step in the evolution of mankind, gifted with capabilities that greatly surpass ours (“Transhumanist FAQ” n.d.); for others, the posthuman is instead closer to Nietzsche’s Übermensch (overman), the human who has abandoned traditional Christian values in favor of creating a new paradigm and new values (Tuncel 2014). Similarly, the posthuman can be understood not as a new being or a distinct evolutionary step, but rather as a new framework, a new way of interpreting and interacting with the world, created as a replacement for the human, itself a framework that is now seen as insufficient or incorrect (Tuncel 2014). Two rather different interpretations of the same word, connected to two equally different schools of thought: transhumanism and posthumanism. Transhumanism and posthumanism share a rather odd relationship: they are clearly and obviously…