Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Pascal Engel


Pascal Engel studied philosophy at Ecole normale Supérieure rue d’Ulm, the Sorbonne and at UC Berkeley. Before coming to Geneva in 2006, where he is director of Epistemè, he has held posts in the Universities of Paris XII, Grenoble, Caen, Paris IV Sorbonne, and has held visiting positions in a number of universities among which Montréal, Hong Kong, Tunis, Athènes, Aarrhus, Canberra, Oslo, Nottingham et Leuven. He has written on the philosophy of logic, philosophy of language and on the philosophy of mind. He is currently working on issues in epistemology, especially the epistemology of belief and epistemic norms. He is also interested in theories of truth. Among his books: The Norm of truth (1991), Davidson et la philosophie du langage (1994), Introduction à la philosophie de l’esprit (1994) Philosophie et psychologie (1996), La dispute (1997), Truth (2002), Ramsey , Truth and Success (with Jérôme Dokic, 2002) , A quoi bon la vérité ? (with R. Rorty, 2005), Va savoir! (2007) and as editor Inquiries into Meaning and Truth (1991, with N. Cooper), Précis de philosophie analytique (2000), and Believing and accepting (2000). He has been editor of Dialectica from 2006 to 2011.