Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Simone Pollo


Simone Pollo is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches “Ethics and Life Sciences” and “Bioethics”. He also teaches at the University of Turin and he has been visiting professor at the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona and at the University Kardinal Stefan Wyszyński of Warsaw. He is a member of one research unit of the National Biodiversity Future Center at Sapienza. His research interests are the evolutionary origins of ethics, the philosophy of biology and the philosophy of science (with a special interest in ethology and animal cognition), the relations between science and society, animal ethics and environmental ethics. He is the author of four monographs (in Italian). Scegliere chi nasce. L’etica della riproduzione umana fra libertà e responsabilità (Guerini, 2003); La morale della natura (Laterza, 2008); Umani e animali: questioni di etica (Carocci, 2016); Manifesto per un animalismo democratico (Carocci, 2021; Spanish translation: Manifiesto por un animalismo democrático, NED, 2022). He edited Le idee dell’etica. Un’introduzione storica (Carocci, 2022) and (with Augusto Vitale) Human/Animal Relationships in Transformation. Scientific, Moral and Legal Perspectives (Pagrave, 2022).