Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy


Odai Al Zoubi

Odai Al Zoubi has a PhD in Philosophy from University of East Anglia.  His research interests include Wittgenstein, J. L. Austin, Speech Act Theory and Theories of Truth.

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Mario Alai

Mario Alai, full member of the International Academy for the Philosophy of the Sciences and formerly associate professor of Theoretical Philosophy and of Philosophy of Language at the University of…

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Francesco Albenzio

Francesco Albenzio obtained his Master's degree in philosophy at the University of Bologna. His main research interests are in epistemology and philosophy of religion.

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Alessandro Aldini

Alessandro Aldini is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy. He focuses primarily on formal modeling and verification of concurrent and distributed computer, network,…

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Maria Cristina Amoretti

M. Cristina Amoretti is an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Genoa and a member of the board of the FINO Inter-University PhD Program in Philosophy.…

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Giacomo Andreoletti

Giacomo Andreoletti is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Advanced Studies, University of Tyumen (Siberia). He is also a member of the Centre for Philosophy of Time (University…

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Adriano Angelucci

Adriano Angelucci has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Verona and is currently a PhD student at the University of Urbino. Previously he was a visiting student at…

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Conrad Aquilina

Conrad Aquilina is a Visiting Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta within the Institute of Linguistics and Language Technology, and the Department of English. He is also Senior Lecturer…

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Jonas R. Becker Arenhart

Jonas R. Becker Arenhart is associate professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. His research interests include philosophical logic and philosophy of logic, the philosophy and metaphysics of…

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Robert Audi

Robert Audi (born November 1941) is an American philosopher whose major work has focused on epistemology, ethics – especially on ethical intuitionism – and the theory of action. He is…

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Daniel Auker-Howlett

Daniel Auker-Howlett recently completed a postdoctoral research position in the Centre for Reasoning and Department of Philosophy at the University of Kent, UK, where he obtained his doctorate on evidence…

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Lorenzo Azzano

Lorenzo Azzano is a Juan de la Cierva fellow at the University of Santiago de Compostela. His research primarily focuses on the intersection between metaphysics and philosophy of science revolving…

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Simon Babbs

Simon Babbs is a doctoral student in philosophy at Loyola University Chicago. He has authored numerous refereed articles in mathematical finance, in which he received his PhD from Imperial College,…

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Fabio Bacchini

Fabio Bacchini is Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Sassari, Italy. He wrote on philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, philosophy of science, nanoethics, bioethics,…

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Giuliano Bacigalupo

Giuliano Bacigalupo is postdoctoral research fellow in the project “Meaning and Intentionality in Anton Marty: At the Crossroad of Philosophy of Language and Mind.” He hold a PhD from the…

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Jan Baedke

Jan Baedke is Professor at the Department of Philosophy I, Ruhr University Bochum. His research is characterized by an integrated approach to the history and philosophy of the life sciences, with a…

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Maria Baghramian

Maria Baghramian is a professor of philosophy at the University College Dublin (UCD). Her main research areas are philosophy of language, relativism and rationality, 20th-century American Philosophy (Putnam, Davidson, Rorty,…

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Maurizio Balistreri

Maurizio Balistreri is an Associate Professor in Moral Philosophy at the Department of Linguistics and Literary, Historical, Philosophical and Legal Studies (DISTU), Tuscia University (Viterbo). His research areas include bioethics,…

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Jean Baratgin

Jean Baratgin is Professor of Cognitive Psychology and Epistemology at the University of Paris 8 (France). His main areas of research are rationality, uncertain reasoning, judgment, decision making, belief revision,…

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Antón Barba-Kay

Antón Barba-Kay is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at The Catholic University of America, in Washington D.C

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Carola Barbero

Carola Barbero is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Language at University of Turin and member of the following research groups: LabOnt, LLC and Mumble. She is specialized in Philosophy of Language,…

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Alberto Barbieri

Alberto Barbieri has held a postdoctoral position at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University. He received a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind at the University School for Advanced…

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Francesco Barone-Adesi

Medical doctor, he graduated from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome, Italy (2000) and specialized in Occupational Medicine (2004) and Medical Statistics (2012). He also obtained a PhD in…

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Lee Basham

Lee Basham (Ph.D. Philosophy) is a professor of philosophy at South Texas College and the University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley, USA. Basham explores the epistemology of cultural, political and economic…

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Simon Beard

Simon Beard is Senior Research Associate and Academic Programme Manager at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge. He received his PhD in Philosophy…

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Arianna Beghetto

Arianna Beghetto received her PhD from the University of Advanced Studies (IUSS) of Pavia, in 2023. Her research mainly centers on the field of the philosophy of mind and cognitive…

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Francesca Bellazzi

Francesca Bellazzi is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Birmingham, where she lectures Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind and Epistemology. Previously, she was part of the ERC MetaScience Project at…

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Marta Benenti

Marta Benenti is a postdoctoral researcher in aesthetics and philosophy of mind at the University of Eastern Piedmont. She has held postdoctoral positions at the San Raffaele University in Milan,…

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Karen Bennett

I am Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Rutgers.  I came to Rutgers in the fall of 2018 after spending 11 years at Cornell.  Before that, I…

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Margherita Benzi

Margherita Benzi teaches Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Università del Piemonte Orientale, after graduating at the University of Bologna and obtaining a PhD in Philosophy of Science from…

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Federica Berdini

Federica Berdini is a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto. She obtained her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Bologna in 2017. During her doctoral…

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Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini

Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini is an Assistant Professor in Philosophy at Union College, USA. In 2015 she was lecturer at Goucher College and after that she was Allen Grossman teaching fellow at Johns…

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Sara Bernstein

Sara Bernstein is Thomas J. and Robert T. Rolfs Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. She specializes in metaphysics, with publications on causation, counterfactuals, ontology, fundamentality,…

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Claudia Bianchi

Claudia Bianchi (Ph.D. at École Polytechnique, Paris) is Full Professor at the Philosophy Faculty of the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan. Her main research interests are in the field of…

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Francesco Bianchini

Francesco Bianchini is associate professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science in the Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies at the University of Bologna. His research focuses on the philosophy…

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Annibale Biggeri

Annibale Biggeri is a professor of medical statistics at the University of Florence and from 2022 at the University of Padua. His main research areas are statistical methods in epidemiology,…

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Akeel Bilgrami

Akeel Bilgrami is a philosopher of language and of mind, and the author of Belief and Meaning, Self-Knowledge and Resentment, and Politics and the Moral Psychology of Identity , as…

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Federico Bina

Federico Bina is currently Research Fellow in Moral Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Philosophy of Biology at the University of Genoa. He works on ethics, moral psychology, social epistemology, and…

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Stefan Bird-Pollan

Stefan Bird-Pollan (DPhil Oxford, in German Literature; PhD Vanderbilt, in Philosophy) is associate professor at the University of Kentucky. His research focuses on how the notion of subjectivity is related…

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John Biro

John Biro teaches philosophy at the University of Florida. His research interests are in the philosophy of language, epistemology, metaphysics, and the history of modern philosophy.

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Federico Boem

Federico Boem is a post-doc research fellow at the Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia of the University of Florence. Previously, he was an adjunct lecturer at the University of Milan, a…

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Sofia Bonicalzi

Sofia Bonicalzi is Assistant Professor in Moral Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Art, Roma Tre University. Her research focuses on moral philosophy, philosophy of action, philosophy…

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Andrea Bonomi

Andrea Bonomi is a philosopher of language, professor of Philosophy of Language at the University of Milan until 2010 and of Semantics of Natural Languages at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University…

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Andrea Borghini

Andrea Borghini is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department at the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, and coordinates Culinary Mind, an international centre for the philosophy of food. He was previously…

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Stefano Boscolo

Stefano Boscolo received a Ph.D. in philosophy at the University of Palermo, and was a visiting research student at Tufts University where he studied under the supervision of J. Azzouni.…

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David Bourget

David Bourget (PhD Australian National University) is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Digital Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. He has published articles on…

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Richard Bradley

Richard Bradley is Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research is concentrated in decision…

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Robert B. Brandom

Robert Boyce Brandom (born 1950) is an American philosopher who teaches at the University of Pittsburgh. He works primarily in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and philosophical logic, and…

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Scott Brophy

Scott Brophy is a professor of Philosophy at the Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, New York, USA.

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James L.D. Brown

James L.D. Brown is a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Sheffield. In addition to metaphysics, he has research interests in ethics, meta-ethics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy…

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Riccardo Bruni

Riccardo Bruni is Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Florence. He has worked on a number of topics in this area of studies, including…

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Amanda Bryant

Amanda Bryant is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary. Her philosophical research concerns the naturalization of metaphysics, i.e. making metaphysics accountable to science. She has written on the…

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Alessandra Buccella

Alessandra Buccella received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Pittsburgh in 2020 and is currently Visiting Assistant Professor at Wesleyan University (USA). Her work focuses on the philosophy…

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Julien Bugnon

Julien Bugnon is writing his PhD on introspection and self-awareness at the University of Fribourg (CH). His broader research interests include topics in the philosophy of mind (the role and…

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Giovanni Buonocore

Giovanni Buonocore received his PhD in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Florence, with a dissertation on the notion of relationality in quantum mechanics. He has…

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Valerio Buonomo

Valerio Buonomo is Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy at the State University of Milan, member of the Centre for Philosophy of Time, and research fellow within the OntoForMat research project. His…

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William Butchard

William Butchard is an adjunct instructor at the University of Central Florida. His research interests include metaphysical grounding, philosophy of mind, and social ontology.

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Stefano Calboli

Stefano Calboli is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo. He received his PhD in Basic Science and…

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Claudio Calosi

Claudio Calosi is an Assistant Professor at Ca' Foscari University, Venice, and a Visiting Professor at USI, Lugano, Map. He has been Assistant Professor and  Visiting Faculty at Geneva, Oxford, Western Ontario, Leeds, Lisbon, and…

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Raffaella Campaner

Raffaella Campaner is currently Full Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Bologna. She graduated (1996) and obtained a PhD in Philosophy from the University of…

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Laura Caponetto

Laura Caponetto is a Post-Doc Research Fellow in Philosophy of Language at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan) and an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Pavia, where she teaches Verbal…

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Massimiliano Carrara

Massimiliano Carrara is professor of Logic, FISPPA Department, Padua University (Padua, Italy). Moreover, he is Visiting professor at the Institute of Philosophy, USI, in Lugano (Swiss), and Teaching Fellow at…

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Mariaflavia Cascelli

Mariaflavia Cascelli was born in Rome in 1986. She obtained her B.A. (2009) and M.A. (2012) in Philosophy of Science at Roma Tre University. In June 2017 she completed her…

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Giulia Casini

Giulia Casini earned her BA and MA at the University of Trieste, Italy, and is currently a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Sheffield, UK. She works in…

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Daniele Cassaghi

Daniele Cassaghi is PhD in Philosophy and fellow of the Centre for Philosophy of Time, University of Milan. He is a teaching assistant in History of Philosophy at the same…

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Bianca Cepollaro

Bianca Cepollaro is a Research Fellow in Philosophy of Language at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan). She is interested in philosophy of language, pragmatics, metaethics and experimental philosophy. Her research…

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Gustavo Cevolani

Gustavo Cevolani is Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy). His main research interests are in general philosophy of science,…

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Sanjit Chakraborty

Dr. Sanjit Chakraborty is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities at Vellore Institute of Technology-AP University. Before that, he was a teaching faculty member at…

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Azita Chellappoo

Azita Chellappoo is a Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, Open University, UK. She is a philosopher of biology/medicine whose work focuses on the intersection of or interface between the…

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Eddie W.L. Cheng

Eddie W.L. Cheng is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies at the Education University of Hong Kong. He holds a PhD in Work…

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David Ciavatta

David Ciavatta is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Ryerson University in Toronto.  He specializes in German Idealism and 20th Century phenomenology, and has focused on issues in the philosophy…

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Tadeusz Ciecierski

Tadeusz Ciecierski is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw. His research interests include philosophy of language, philosophy of mind and psychology, philosophical logic, metaphysics of…

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David Coady

David Coady is a researcher at the School of Humanities at the University of Tasmania.

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Giulia Codognato

Giulia Codognato is a Ph.D. student in Philosophy at the University of Trieste and at the University of Udine, under the supervision of Professor Gabriele De Anna and Professor Elvio…

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Camilla F. Colombo

Camilla F. Colombo is currently a post-doctoral research fellow at RWTH Aachen University, where she works in the Applied Ethics Department. After obtaining her PhD in philosophy at the London…

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Ellis D. Cooper

Ellis D. Cooper trained in mathematical category theory, and is an Adjunct Instructor of Statistics, Algebra, Computer Science, and Physics. He has published articles on electronic music, combinatorics, and algebraic…

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Fabio Corpina

Fabio Corpina is a PhD student in Logic at the University of Cagliari. His main research interests are time, tenses, and modalities, with particular attention to Arthur Prior’s interpretation of…

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Bruno Cortesi

Bruno Cortesi is a Ph.D. Candidate in ‘Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind’ at the Institute for Advanced Studies IUSS of Pavia. Before that, he obtained a Master of Arts…

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Inés Crespo

Inés Crespo is a Global Lecturer at NYU Paris. She is interested in the normative constraints at the basis of linguistic expression, and in the epistemology of disciplines concerned with…

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Mariano Croce

Mariano Croce is Associate Professor of Political Philosophy at Sapienza University of Rome. He is also Research leader of the research group in Kinship Studies at the Faculty of Law…

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Vincenzo Crupi

Vincenzo Crupi is Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Turin. His research interests include Bayesian epistemology, human rationality, and conditionals.

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Robert D’Amico

Robert D’Amico is Professor of Philosophy at University of Florida. He teaches philosophy of social science, philosophy of mind, and 19th century philosophy.

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Davide Dalla Rosa

Davide Dalla Rosa completed his PhD at the University of Padua with a dissertation on Kant's formal logic. His research interests include philosophy of language and philosophy of perception.

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Olaf Dammann

Olaf Dammann is Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, USA. His PhD in philosophy is from the University of Johannesburg, South…

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Mario De Caro

Mario De Caro is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Università Roma Tre; since 2000 he has also been teaching at Tufts University, where is regularly a Visiting Professor. He was…

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Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira

Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira holds a PhD in Philosophy from Free Universität Berlin and has pursued several postdoctoral studies in various countries. His research interests span analytical epistemology, philosophy…

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Katerina Deligiorgi

Katerina Deligiorgi is Reader in Philosophy at the University of Sussex. She has published on a range of topics from Kant's and Hegel's theoretical and practical philosophy as well as…

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Massimo Dell’Utri

Massimo Dell’Utri is Full Professor of Philosophy of Language at the University of Sassari, Italy, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences. He teaches courses in philosophy of language, philosophy of…

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Matthew Dentith

Matthew Dentith is a researcher at the Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH-ICUB) at the University of Bucharest, Romania.

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Elvira Di Bona

Elvira Di Bona is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Mind at the University of Turin. She spent more than four years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Polonsky Academy at…

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Michele Di Francesco

Michele Di Francesco is professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Past Director ("Rettore") of the School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. Membre associés of the Institut Jean-Nicod (CNRS,…

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Caterina Di Maio

Caterina Di Maio is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Naples "L'Orientale." Her main research interests focus on the philosophy of action, philosophy of language, philosophy of psychology, and…

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Aldair Díaz-Gómez

Aldair Díaz-Gómez is a professor at Universidad Industrial de Santander, where he teaches Contrastive Linguistics and English Phonetics and Phonology. He earned his MA in Language and Mind: Linguistics and…

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Daniel Dohrn

Daniel Dohrn works as a researcher in the department of philosophy at the state university of Milan (since 2019). He is interested in questions of modality, combining issues from philosophy…

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Jérôme Dokic

Jérôme Dokic is Professor of Cognitive Philosophy at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and a member of Institut Jean-Nicod in Paris. He has written many essays…

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Tom Donaldson

Tom Donaldson is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Simon Fraser University. His research interests include the analytic/synthetic distinction, trivialism, and philosophy of mathematics.

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Donatella Donati

Donatella Donati is an Adjunct Professor at the University of L’Aquila, where she also had been Postdoctoral Research Fellow from 2017 to 2019. She received her PhD in Philosophy in…

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Mauro Dorato

Mauro Dorato earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from the Johns Hopkins University Baltimore (1992). Since 1998 he teaches Philosophy of Science in the Department of Philosophy Communications and Performing Arts…

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Gary Ebbs

Gary Ebbs is an American philosopher. His researh focuses in describing the methodology of rational inquiry from an engaged, practical point of view. In his studies he proposed new accounts…

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Umberto Eco

Umberto Eco (5th January 1932 – 19th February 2016) was an Italian semiotician, philosopher, anthropologist, novelist and literary critic. Eco founded and developed one of the most important approaches in…

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Matti Eklund

Matti Eklund is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at Uppsala University. He mainly works in metaphysics, philosophy of language, metaethics, and philosophy of logic.

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Nina Emery

Nina Emery is Professor of Philosophy at Mount Holyoke College and affiliated graduate faculty at University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She works on topics at the intersection of science and philosophy.…

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Pascal Engel

Pascal Engel studied philosophy at Ecole normale Supérieure rue d’Ulm, the Sorbonne and at UC Berkeley. Before coming to Geneva in 2006, where he is director of Epistemè, he has…

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Shane Epting

Shane Epting is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, and he is a co-founder of the Philosophy of the City Research Group. His…

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Ekin Erkan

Ekin Erkan is currently a researcher at The New Centre of Research & Practice and CUNY Graduate Center. Erkan’s work spans the history of philosophy—with a particular emphasis on the legacy…

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Francesca Ervas

Francesca Ervas is Researcher in Philosophy of Language at the University of Cagliari. After completion of the PhD in Philosophy at Roma Tre University in 2006, she worked as a…

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Luis Estrada-González

Luis Estrada-González is professor of philosophy; his main research is focused on philosophy of logic, where he studied especially the problems of logicality, general theories of logic(s) and criteria for…

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Yuval Eylon

Yuval Eylon is a senior lecturer in Philosophy at the Open University of Israel. Eylon’s main areas of interest include Ethics, Political philosophy, and Analytic Philosophy, and recently the Philosophy…

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Marco Facchin

Marco Facchin got his Ph.D. from IUSS Pavia in 2022. He’s now a research fellow at the same Institute.

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Vincenzo Fano

Vincenzo Fano is professor of Logic and Philosophy of science at Urbino University and permanent member of the Academie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences. His research interests are above all…

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Jansan Favazzo

Jansan Favazzo is a PhD candidate at the University of Macerata, where he is currently working on the semantics and the ontology of fictional discourses. He studied at the University…

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Guglielmo Feis

Guglielmo Feis is a post-doc in Philosophy of Law at the State University of Milan. He works mainly on (i) normative conflicts, (ii) social ontology and (iii) blockchain, sometimes on…

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Filippo Ferrari

Filippo Ferrari is currently a Research Fellow in philosophy at the University of Bonn, working within the remit of the DFG-funded project “Disagreement in Philosophy–Conceptual and Semantic Foundations”. His research…

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Maurizio Ferraris

Maurizio Ferraris is full Professor of Philosophy at the University of Turin, where he is the Deputy Rector for Humanities Research and the President of the LabOnt – Center for Ontology.  He…

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Gabriele Ferretti

Gabriele Ferretti is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Bergamo (Italy). His philosophical research, which is empirically informed by cognitive neuroscience, is mainly focused on those philosophical problems…

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Elena Ficara

Elena Ficara is Junior professor at the University of Paderborn and Feodor Lynen research fellow at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Her main research interest…

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Roman Frigg

Roman Frigg is Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. He is the winner of…

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Corrado Fumagalli

Corrado Fumagalli is an Assistant professor (RTD-A) in Political Philosophy at the University of Genoa. His current areas of interest are relational approaches to free speech and pragmatist approaches to…

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Nicolò Gaj

Nicolò Gaj is Research Fellow in Philosophy of science at Catholic University, Milan, Italy, where he lectures the course Philosophy of psychology. He is member of the Research Unit for…

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Anna Elisabetta Galeotti

Anna Elisabetta Galeotti is Full Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli. Her research interests range from toleration, multiculturalism, equal respect, to deception and self-deception in…

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Giovanni Galli

Giovanni Galli is a PhD student of the Research Methods in Science and Technology (ReMeST) program at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences at the University of Urbino. He…

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Mirko Daniel Garasic

Mirko Daniel Garasic is Adjunct Professor in Bioethics as well as Digital Ethics at LUISS University, Rome. His main areas of research are applied ethics, biopolitics, enhancement and informed consent.…

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Brian Garrett

Brian Garrett was educated at St Andrews and Oxford universities, and has taught at ANU since 1990. He is the author of three books—Personal Identity and Self-consciousness, What is this…

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Virginia Ghiara

Virginia Ghiara is a Honorary Researcher at University of Kent. In 2019 she completed her PhD in Philosophy of Science at University of Kent, exploring how to use big data…

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Giacomo Giannini

Giacomo Giannini is a Fellow at the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method of the London School of Economics. His main research interests concern modality, powers and dispositions, essences…

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Joaquim Giannotti

Joaquim Giannotti is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Birmingham as well as a Research Associate at the ERC-funded project FraMEPhys, led by Alastair Wilson, on metaphysical explanation in…

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Angelo Gilio

Angelo Gilio received his degree in mathematics from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy, 1973 (thesis supervisor: B. de Finetti). Research grant from CNR, Rome, 1974, and a four-years…

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Lisa Giombini

Lisa Giombini is currently Research Fellow in Aesthetics at the University of Roma Tre (Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts), and Visiting Research Fellow in Philosophy within the School…

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Anna Giustina

I’m an assistant professor (Ramon y Cajal fellow) at the University of Valencia. I work mainly in philosophy of mind and epistemology, particularly on consciousness, introspection, self-knowledge, and acquaintance. Most…

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Terry Godlove

Terry Godlove is Professor of Philosophy at Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.  He works primarily in the theory of knowledge and on Kant and Kantian themes in particular.

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Simone Gozzano

Simone Gozzano is full professor of Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics at the university of L’Aquila, in Italy. He has held visiting positions at Tufts, Rutgers, Durham, Jiao Tong, Liège.…

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Paweł Grabarczyk

Paweł Grabarczyk is an associate professor at the IT University of Copenhagen and at the University of Lodz. His interests encompass subjects belonging to philosophy of language (especially conceptual role…

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Ernesto Graziani

Ernesto Graziani received his PhD in 2017 from the University of Macerata. At the same university, he was a research fellow (September 2021-August 2023) and a contract professor (2022-2024), and…

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Pierluigi Graziani

Pierluigi Graziani earned a Ph.D. in Logic and Epistemology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2007) and he is now an assistant professor in logic and philosophy of science…

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Lorenzo Greco

Lorenzo Greco is Research Fellow in Political Philosophy at the University of L’Aquila. He is also Associate Member of the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Oxford and Member of…

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Fridolin Gross

Fridolin Gross is associate professor of philosophy of medical science at the University of Bordeaux. He has a dual background in science and philosophy, and he has worked in various…

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Birgitta Grundmark

Birgitta Grundmark (MD, PhD) is a pharmacoepidemiologist and senior pharmacovigilance expert. Her research focus is methodology development for global monitoring of adverse drug reactions, and since the onset of the…

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Till Grüne-Yanoff

Till Grüne-Yanoff is professor of philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. His research focuses on the philosophy of science, the philosophy of economics and on decision…

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Daniel Guilhermino

Daniel Guilhermino is a PhD researcher at the University of São Paulo, under the supervision of Dr. Marcus Sacrini. His PhD is fully funded by The São Paulo Research Foundation…

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Levin Güver

Levin Güver is a PhD student at University College London, where he is composing a dissertation on criminal jurisprudence. More precisely, his dissertation explores how insights from philosophy of action…

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Peter Hacker

Peter Michael Stephan Hacker (born 15 July 1939) is a British philosopher. His principal expertise is in the philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. He is known for his…

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Jaap Hage

Jaap Hage graduated in both law and philosophy at the University of Leiden, and defended there his doctoral thesis about the normative meaning of facts. Then he redirected his research…

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Kurtis Hagen

Kurtis Hagen is an independent scholar who works formally at the SUNY, Plattsburgh, USA.

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Kelly Happe

Kelly Happe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and the Institute for Women’s Studies at the University of Georgia. She works in the areas of feminist…

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Pol-Vincent Harnay

Pol-Vincent Harnay is an independent researcher specializing in Donald Davidson’s work. His work focuses on the role of decision theory in Davidson’s writings. The objective is both to decode Davidson’s…

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Marco Hausmann

Marco Hausmann has written a dissertation about free will and determinism at the University of Munich. His research areas include logic, metaphysics, philosophy of freedom and philosophy of religion. He…

Articles written by this author

Andreas Heise

Andreas Heise is a final-year PhD student in philosophy of language at the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris. He is interested in creative uses of language, metaphilosophy, ethics, and aesthetics.…

Articles written by this author

Salim Hirèche

Salim Hirèche is a lecturer at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting (FTI) of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. His main research interests are in metaphysics, including intersections with other…

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Herbert Hochberg

He has published over 100 papers and six books, Introducing Analytic Philosophy: Its Sense and Its Nonsense, 1879-2002 (2003), The Positivist and the Ontologist: Bergmann, Carnap and Logical Realism (2001),Russell,…

Articles written by this author

Paul Horwich

Paul Horwich is a British analytic philosopher at New York University, whose work includes writings on causality and philosophy of science and philosophy of physics, the philosophy of language (especially…

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Patrik Hummel

Patrik Hummel has a PhD in Philosophy from the University of St Andrews. His research interests include personhood and personal identity, agency and responsibility, and bioethical questions as they arise…

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Philippe Huneman

Philippe Huneman is a Directeur de recherche at the Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques in Université Paris I, Sorbonne, Paris, France.

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Daniel D. Hutto

Daniel D. Hutto is an American philosopher and professor of philosophical psychology jointly at the University of Wollongong and University of Hertfordshire. He is known for his research on enactivism,…

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Andrea Iacona

Andrea Iacona is a professor at the University of Turin, where he teaches logic and directs the Center for Logic, Language, and Cognition (LLC). His main research topics fall in…

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Samuel Iaquinto

Samuele Iaquinto is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Milan (Department of Philosophy). He is also an Adjunct Coordinator of the Centre for Philosophy of Time (University of…

Articles written by this author

Anna Ichino

Anna Ichino is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Milan, La Statale. She previously held research and teaching positions at Bar-Ilan University (Tel Aviv), at the University of…

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Mark Jago

Mark Jago is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Nottingham and author of a number of contributions in analytic philosophy. His main research interest at…

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Patrick Kaczmarek

Patrick Kaczmarek is a Research Affiliate with the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at the University of Cambridge, as well as a Research Analyst at Effective Giving (Netherlands).…

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Samuel Kahn

Samuel Kahn is Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University, Indianapolis. He received dual degrees in Philosophy and Bioengineering in 2005 from the University of Pennsylvania, and he received a PhD…

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Bartosz Kaluziński

Bartosz Kaluziński received PhD in Philosophy from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, in 2014. Currently, based at the Institute of Philosophy (Faculty of Social Sciences) of that University, he is director of the research project on a new…

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François Kammerer

François Kammerer is a PhD student in Philosophy of mind at the Université Paris-Sorbonne. He is particularly interested in the metaphysics of conscious experience, as well as in the so-called…

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Jonathan Kaplan

Jonathan Kaplan is a Professor of Philosophy at Oregon State University. His research interests include the philosophy of biology, race, and biomedicine. He is the author of The Limits and Lies…

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William Bondi Knowles

William Bondi Knowles finalised his PhD at the University of Manchester in 2021, having previously done an MSc at the University of Edinburgh and BA at the University of York.…

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Filip Kobiela

Filip Kobiela is an assistant professor at the University of Physical Education in Krakow. He received his PhD in philosophy from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 2009, with a…

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Matthew H. Kramer

Matthew Kramer FBA (born 9 June 1959) is an American philosopher, currently Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge.…

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Uriah Kriegel

Research director at the Jean Nicod Institute in Paris. He works mostly in philosophy of mind and metaphysics, but also interested in cognitive science, metaethics, epistemology, early analytic philosophy, and…

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Frederick Kroon

Fred Kroon is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Auckland.  His main research areas are formal and philosophical logic, philosophy of language, and metaphysics, and he has authored…

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Costanza Larese

Costanza Larese received her Ph.D. in Philosophy at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. She defended a thesis entitled The Principle of Analyticity of Logic. A Philosophical and Formal Perspective. She was…

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Giulia Lasagni

Giulia Lasagni is a post-doctoral researcher at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. She works mainly in social ontology and the philosophy of the social sciences. Her research interests include collective intentionality, group…

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Andrea Lavazza

Andrea Lavazza is a senior research fellow at the International University Center, Arezzo, and an adjunct professor at the University of Pavia and the University of Milan. Lavazza's research interests…

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Chris Lay

Chris Lay is a Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Texas, El Paso. He works primarily on issues of philosophy of mind, personal identity and the self and technology

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James Lee

James Lee is a visiting assistant professor at the State University of New York at Oswego. His research interests include modal epistemology, metaphysical and scientific explanation, the epistemology of understanding,…

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Jessica Leech

Jessica Leech was jointly awarded her doctorate in philosophy from the Universities of Geneva and Sheffield in 2011. She held positions at King’s College, Cambridge and the University of Sheffield,…

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Paolo Leonardi

Professor of Philosophy of Language at the University of Bologna, in charge of the Collegio Superiore from 2006 up to 2012, and actually in charge of the Cogito Center for…

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Palle Leth

Palle Leth was educated in Paris and teaches at Dalarna University (Sweden). He specializes in philosophy of language and theory of interpretation and has worked on contextualism, textual cohesion, speaker…

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Stephan Lewandowsky

Stephan Lewandowsky is a professor at the School of Experimental Psychology and Cabot Institute at the University of Bristol, UK.

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Matilde Liberti

Matilde Liberti is a PhD student in Moral Philosophy at the University of Genoa. She is interested in the dynamics of moral change, especially of those forms of moral change…

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Elisabeth A. Lloyd

Elisabeth A. Lloyd is an adjunct professor of Philosophy at the Indiana University, USA.

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Giuseppe Lo Dico

Giuseppe Lo Dico is a Professore a contratto (professor with a temporary appointment for a given course or lecture series) in philosophy of psychology at the Catholic University of Milan…

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Giulia Lorenzi

Giulia Lorenzi is currently a PhD student at the University of Warwick, working under the supervision of Matthew Nudds and Thomas Crowther. The aim of her PhD project (funded by…

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Giuseppe Lorini

Giuseppe Lorini is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law at the University of Cagliari (Italy) and, since May 2017, Associate Researcher to Institute of “Mediterranean…

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Ludovica Lorusso

Ludovica Lorusso is a Lecturer of Logics and Philosophy of Science at the Department of History, Human Sciences, and Education, University of Sassari, Italy. She works in the area of…

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Peter Ludlow

Peter Ludlow has published in a number of areas in philosophy, linguistics and cognitive science, including the books Semantics, Tense, and Time: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Natural Language (MIT Press,…

Articles written by this author

Kirk Ludwig

Kirk Ludwig is professor of philosophy and cognitive science at Indiana University, Bloomington.  He works mainly in the philosophy of mind and action, esp. collective agency, philosophy of language, epistemology and…

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Laureano Luna

Laureano Luna is a memebr of the department of philosopy of I.E.S. Doctor Francisco Marin, Spain. He performs research in philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of logic and philosophy of language.

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Giulia Luvisotto

Giulia Luvisotto is a PostDoc at the University of Helsinki as a member of the research project Responsible Beliefs: Why Ethics and Epistemology Need Each Other, after having completed a Phd…

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Jakub Mácha

Jakub Mácha is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). He has published on analytic philosophy and classical German philosophy. He is the co-editor of…

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Roberto Macrelli

Roberto Macrelli is a mathematician and PhD in logic and philosophy of science at the University of Urbino. His fields of research are applied mathematics, statistics and the philosophy of…

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Fabrizio Mafessoni

Fabrizio Mafessoni is an evolutionary biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science. A theoretical biologist by training, he has been investigating the evolution of modern humans and other hominin species,…

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Filippo Mancini

Filippo Mancini is a PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Padua, Italy. His research focuses on logic, philosophy of  mathematics, philosophy of science and metaphysics.

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Francesco Marchi

Francesco Marchi works as post-doctoral research assistant at the department of Philosophy II of the Ruhr University of Bochum. His research in empirically informed Philosophy of Mind focusses on perception,…

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Diego Marconi

Diego Marconi is an italian philosopher. Professor of Philosophy of Language at the University of Turin, he studied with Luigi Pareyson in Turin and Nicholas Rescher, Wilfrid Sellars and Richmond…

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Emilia Margoni

Emilia Margoni is a PhD student in Logic, History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Pisa/Firenze (supervisor: Elena Castellani) and at the University of Geneva (supervisor: Christian Wüthrich).…

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Massimo Marraffa

A philosopher with a focus on the sciences of mind and brain, Massimo Marraffa was educated at Sapienza-University of Rome (B.A. + M.A. in Philosophy and in Psychology) and the…

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Emanuele Martinelli

Emanuele Martinelli is a PhD student at the University of Zürich, under the supervision of Prof. Francis Cheneval and Prof. Barry Smith (SUNY Buffalo). He's hired jointly by the Chair…

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Carlo Martini

Carlo Martini is Associate Professor in Philosophy of Science at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan) and visiting Adjunct Professor at the University of Helsinki. He has worked on the interface…

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Diana Mazzarella

Diana Mazzarella is a Fyssen Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institut des Sciences Cognitive “Marc Jeannerod” (Lyon, France). She earned her PhD in Linguistics at University College London, under the supervision…

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Brian P. McLaughlin

Brian P. McLaughlin is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science at Rutgers University.  He has published numerous papers in philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, metaphysics, and philosophical…

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Giacomo Melis

Giacomo Melis worked with Prof. Crispin Wright and Prof. Carrie Jenkins at the former Northern Institute of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, where he obtained his PhD. He is currently a…

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Angela Mendelovici

Angela Mendelovici (PhD Princeton University) is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario (Western University). Her research is in the philosophy of mind, focusing on consciousness, intentionality,…

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Joshua Mendelsohn

Joshua Mendelsohn is an assistant professor at Loyola University Chicago. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago in 2019. His research interests include Ancient Greek Philosophy (especially Aristotle),…

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Thomas Meyer

Thomas Meyer is a non-permanent Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Department of Philosophy at Humboldt University of Berlin. He holds a PhD from the University of Münster. His research…

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Kourken Michaelian

Kourken Michaelian is professor at the Université Grenoble Alpes, where he directs the Centre for Philosophy of Memory. He is the author of Mental Time Travel: Episodic Memory and Our…

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Leonardo Moauro

Leonardo Moauro is a PhD candidate at UC San Diego and future postdoctoral fellow at the "Human Abilities” Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (HU Berlin, FU Berlin). His…

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Daniele Molinari

Daniele Molinari is a PhD student at University of Parma. His research focuses on thought experiments, works of fiction and the social features of imagination.

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Talia Morag

Bsc. and BA, Tel-Aviv University; MA in philosophy, the University of Paris 8; PhD in philosophy, University of Sydney. Dr. Talia Morag is postdoctoral fellow at Deakin University working on a…

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Felipe Morales Carbonell

Felipe Morales Carbonell is a PhD candidate at the Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science of KU Leuven’s Institute of Philosophy. He works in modal epistemology, metaphysics and philosophical…

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Vittorio Morato

Vittorio Morato is a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Padua, Italy. His research focuses on the metaphysics and epistemology of modality and the philosophy of modal logic. He…

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Alice Morelli

Alice Morelli is a post doc researcher at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice. She got her master degree in philosophy at the University of Parma with a thesis on Wittgenstein and…

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Gianfranco Mormino

Gianfranco Mormino (1962) teaches History of ethics and Human-Animal Studies at the State University of Milan. He has written on the scientific and philosophical thought from Galileo to Newton and…

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Dean Moyar

Dean Moyar is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Hegel's Conscience and many essays on classical German philosophy. He is the editor of The…

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Phila Msimang

Phila Msimang is a Lecturer in Philosophy at Stellenbosch University and a PhD candidate in Philosophy at Macquarie University. He is a founding member and the secretary of the Azanian Philosophical Society. He is presently…

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Kevin Mulligan

Kevin Mulligan (born 23 June 1951) is a British philosopher, working on ontology, the philosophy of mind, and the philosophy of logic. He is currently Professor for philosophy at the…

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Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera

Alfonso Muñoz-Corcuera is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Complutense University of Madrid. His research focuses on personal identity and the philosophy of fiction. He previously served as a…

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Alberto Mura

Alberto Mura is a professor of Logic and Philosophy of science at the University of Sassari. He graduated from the University of Pisa, developing his dissertation under the supervision of…

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Ernesto Napoli

I have graduated in philosophy at the University of Turin and then continued my studies at Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, University College London and Oxford University. I have been a…

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Cecilia Nardini

Cecilia Nardini has a MSc in Physics and a PhD in Foundations and Ethics of the Life Sciences. Her research interests include research ethics and philosophy of medicine, with a…

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Ricardo Navia

Ricardo Navia has a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Language and Knowledge from the PUCRS (Porto Alegre, Brazil). He is currently Full Professor at the Philosophy Department of the University of…

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Antonio Negro

Antonio Negro, M.Sc. alumnus of the ILLC (Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation), received his Ph.D. from FINO (Northwest Italian Philosophy Consortium) with a thesis on the nature of deductive…

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Manfredi Negro

Manfredi Negro has a degree in Philosophy and a Master’s degree in Cognitive Science and decisional processes from the University of Milan, Italy. His research interests focus primarily on human…

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Niccolò Bruno Negro

I am an Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellow in Liad Mudrik’s lab at Tel Aviv University. I work on issues at the intersection between philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and…

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Cristina Nencha

Cristina Nencha is a PHD student in Philosophy at the Northwest Italian Philosophy Consortium (FINO). She is mainly interested in the metaphysics of modality, philosophy of language and philosophical logic.

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James Nguyen

James Nguyen is the Jacobsen Fellow at both the Institute of Philosophy, University of London and the Department of Philosophy, University College London. He was previously a postdoctoral researcher in…

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Serena Maria Nicoli

Serena Maria Nicoli obtained her PhD in Philosophy of Language at the University of Torino under the supervision of Prof. Diego Marconi. She defended a thesis titled An Armchair for…

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Martine Nida-Rümelin

Martine Nida-Rümelin is professor of philosophy at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Her main areas of interest are philosophy of mind, theory of knowledge and philosophy of language. The major part of her published work is concerned…

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Abigail Nieves Delgado

Abigail Nieves Delgado is an Assistant Professor of History and Philosophy of Science at the Freudenthal Institute at Utrecht University. Her research focuses on the use of racial categories in science, the political and anthropological dimensions…

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Takuya Niikawa

Takuya Niikawa is a JPSP Postdoctoral Researcher at Chiba University in Japan and visiting researcher at the University of Glasgow. He earned his PhD at Hokkaido University. He works mostly…

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Samantha Noll

Samantha Noll is an Assistant Professor in The School of Politics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs (PPPA) at Washington State University. She is also the bioethicist affiliated with the Functional Genomics…

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Harold Noonan

Harold Noonan is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham. He works on metaphysics, philosophy of language, mind and the history of philosophy. He has written books on…

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Elena Nulvesu

Elena Nulvesu (born in 1985) is a teacher at the High School and collaborates with the University of Sassari. She received a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Sassari…

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Eric Olson

Eric Olson is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield.  He has written on many topics but is best known for his work on the metaphysics of human people.

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Hitoshi Omori

Hitoshi Omori is associate professor at the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, Japan. His main interest is in nonclassical as well as philosophical logic, including paraconsistent, many-valued and…

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Malvina Ongaro

Malvina Ongaro holds a MSc in Linguistics and one in Philosophy of Science and is now a PhD student in Piedmont (Italy). Her research interests include topics such as normative…

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Erica Onnis

Erica Onnis is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Turin, where she obtained her PhD in 2020. She was a fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Cultures of Research" at…

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Francesco Orilia

Francesco Orilia obtained his Ph.D. in philosophy at Indiana University, Bloomington (1986) and he is now a professor of philosophy of language at the University of Macerata. His main research…

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Elisa Paganini

Elisa Paganini is Professor of Philosophy of Language at the University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano). Her principal research interests are in philosophy of language and metaphysics. She…

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Peter Pagin

Peter Pagin is professor of theoretical philosophy at Stockholm University. He has worked mostly within the philosophy of language and bordering areas, including the philosophy of logic, philosophy of mind, epistemology, and formal semantics. His…

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Chiara Palazzolo

Chiara Palazzolo recently completed her second postdoctoral fellowship at the Honors College of the University of Tulsa (USA), with a focus on ethics and music. Prior to this, she held…

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Jacopo Pallagrosi

Jacopo Pallagrosi is a Ph.D. Candidate in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, Italy. He is currently visiting the Department of…

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Michele Paolini Paoletti

Michele Paolini Paoletti is an assistant professor at the University of Macerata. His research interests include metaphysics, philosophy of mind, metaontology, the ontology of fiction and informal logic. Most of…

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Alfredo Paternoster

Alfredo Paternoster is Associate Professor at the University of Bergamo, where he teaches Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Mind.  His main areas of research include perception, consciousness and the…

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Fabio Patrone

Fabio Patrone received his Ph.D. in Philosophy at University of Genoa, and he's been visiting scholar at Columbia University under the supervision of Achille Varzi. His work focuses on metaphysics…

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Patrizia Pedrini

Patrizia Pedrini is Associate Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at Department of Social, Political, and Cognitive Sciences (DISPOC), University of Siena, Italy. She is the author of two monographs, one on self-knowldge (Prima…

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Carlo Penco

Carlo Penco taught philosophy of language at the University of Genoa after studying under Michael Dummett. Along with study on Wittgenstein and Frege, his main areas of interest also include…

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Ernesto Perini-Santos

Ernesto Perini-Santos is Professor of Philosophy at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. His two main research areas are philosophy of language – where he works…

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Francesca Pero

Francesca Pero is a postdoctoral research fellow in the PRIN project “The Manifest Image and Scientific Image” (Prot. 2017ZNWW7F) at the University of Florence. Her research primarily focuses on the…

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John Perry

John Perry is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of California, Riverside, and Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Stanford University. He is a member of…

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Philip Pettit

Philip Pettit is L.S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton University, where he has taught political theory and philosophy since 2002,  and for a period that…

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Claudia Picazo

Claudia Picazo is assistant professor at the Department of Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science of UNED in Madrid. She is interested in the pragmatic aspects of communication, multiple meaning,…

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Nicola Piras

Nicola Piras is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Philosophy Department at the University of Milan and also a member of Culinary Mind, international centre for the philosophy of food.…

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Giulia Piredda

Giulia Piredda is a senior researcher in Philosophy and Theory of Language at IUSS, where she is member of the Linguistics & Philosophy IUSS Center (L&PIC). Her primary research interests…

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Salvatore Pistoia-Reda

Salvatore Pistoia-Reda is a researcher in philosophy and linguistics at Univ. Siena and a former researcher at ZAS Berlin and at U Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. His research interests include the…

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Paolo Pizzolo

Paolo Pizzolo is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Centre for International Studies and Development (CISAD) of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

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Matteo Plebani

Matteo Plebani is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Turin. His main research areas are philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, and metaphysics. He published papers in a range…

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Simone Pollo

Simone Pollo is Associate Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches “Ethics and Life Sciences” and “Bioethics”. He also teaches…

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Giulia Pravato

Giulia Pravato is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Bologna. Her research is mainly in philosophy of language, meta-ethics and, more broadly, meta-normativity. In addition, she has some secondary…

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Graham Priest

Graham Priest (born 1948) is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at the CUNY Graduate Center, as well as a regular visitor at the University of Melbourne where he was Boyce Gibson…

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Hilary Putnam

Hilary Putnam (born July 31, 1926, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.—died March 13, 2016, Arlington, Massachusetts, U.S.) leading American philosopher who made major contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of mind, the…

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Juha Räikkä

Juha Räikkä is a professor of philosophy at the University of Turku, Finland. Räikkä’s research interests focus on ethics and political philosophy. He has published papers on issues such as…

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Brentyn Ramm

Brentyn Ramm’s research is in the philosophy of mind and focuses on using experimental phenomenology to investigate consciousness and the self. He completed his PhD in philosophy at the Australian…

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Massimo Reichlin

Massimo Reichlin is Full Professor of Moral Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. He has been the coordinator of the Ph.D. in Philosophy from…

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Pétronille Rème

Pétronille Rème is an economist, researcher from the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (Ifsttar). Her main research areas are the relationships between disciplines (economics…

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Samuel C. Rickless

Samuel C. Rickless is professor of philosophy at the University of California San Diego. He is the author of Plato's Forms in Transition (2007), Berkeley's Argument for Idealism (2013), and Locke (2014), and the editor of The…

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Elena Rocca

Elena Rocca is an interdisciplinary researcher specialising in issues at the interface between scientific evidence, practice, policy and philosophy. She has a multi-disciplinary background that includes Pharmacy, Molecular Medicine and…

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Johannes Roessler

Johannes Roessler is Associate Professor (Reader) in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Warwick. He has published articles in journals such as Mind and Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society on issues in…

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Daniel Rönnedal

Daniel Rönnedal is a researcher at Stockholm University, Department of Philosophy. Much of his research focuses on modal logic, including epistemic and doxastic logic, deontic logic and temporal logic, and…

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Jacopo Rosino Giraldo

Jacopo Rosino Giraldo is a PhD student in Philosophy at the University of Padua. His research interests focus on contemporary analytic metaphysics, particularly mereology and theories of location, as well…

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Martina Rosola

Martina Rosola received her Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2021 from FINO consortium. She spent visiting periods at the University of Sheffield (UK) and at the University of Waterloo (Canada), under…

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Emanuele Rossanese

Emanuele Rossanese is a postdoctoral researcher in philosophy of science and philosophy of physics at Roma Tre University. His research concerns the formal and philosophical analysis of Quantum Physics, and…

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Louis Rouillé

Louis Rouillé started his PhD in Philosophy in September 2016 and completed it in December 2019. He has been conducting his doctoral research at the Institut Jean Nicod in Paris…

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Corrado Roversi

Corrado Roversi is associate professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Bologna. His research interests include social ontology, constitutive rules, the theory of norms and the intersection between…

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Elisabetta Sacchi

Elisabetta Sacchi is Associate  Professor of Philosophy and Theory of Languages at the Faculty of Philosophy of San Raffaele University in Milan. Her main interests include the philosophy of mind…

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Mark Sainsbury

Mark Sainsbury  is a British philosopher who is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas, Austin. He is known for his work in philosophical logic, philosophy of language, and…

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Fiora Salis

Fiora Salis is Associate Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, University of York (UK). Before joining the Department she worked at the London School of Economics from 2015-2017 and the…

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Pietro Salis

Pietro Salis is Researcher of theoretical philosophy at the University of Cagliari. His research interests are in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and epistemology. His main writings focus on…

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Andrea Saltelli

Andrea Saltelli is presently visiting researcher at UIB-SVT and associate researcher at Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). His papers have tackled sensitivity…

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Giuseppe Sanfilippo

Giuseppe Sanfilippo is an Associate Professor of Probability Theory at the Department in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Palermo. He received his degree in mathematics from University of Catania.…

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Glenda Satne

Glenda Satne is a philosopher of language and mind and works at University of Wollongong, Australia. Her current research focuses on questions concerning the evolution of human-specific cognitive capacities within…

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Valentina Savojardo

Valentina Savojardo obtained her PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Human Sciences in 2012, at the University of Macerata.  Since 2018 she has been a permanent teacher of History and…

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Frederick Schauer

Frederick Schauer is David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Virginia, USA.  He works on issues of legal reasoning, philosophy of law, legal and constitutional…

Articles written by this author

Tom Schoonen

Tom Schoonen is an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Amsterdam, before this he was a postdoc at the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Human Abilities,…

Articles written by this author

Moritz Schulz

Moritz Schulz is professor for theoretical philosophy at the TU Dresden. His research includes the philosophy of language and logic—especially conditionals!—as well as  topics in epistemology and decision theory. Moritz…

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Giulio Sciacca

Giulio Sciacca is a PhD student at FINO Consortium, University of Genoa, under the supervision of Andrea Bottani, and he is writing a dissertation on a possible way to accommodate…

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John Searle

John Searle is Prof. Emeritus of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of many books and articles on the philosophy of mind, language and society.…

Articles written by this author

Guido Seddone

Guido Seddone is Assistant Professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Parma and Visiting Fellow at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. He is appointed for the Marie-Curie Project HEGNAT, GA…

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Eleonora Severini

Eleonora Severini is Postdoctoral Fellow in Moral Philosophy at the Department of Humanities of the University of Pavia. She received her Ph.D. in Philosophy and History of Philosophy from Sapienza…

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Daniele Sgaravatti

Daniele Sgaravatti obtained PhD degrees from the University of Eastern Piedmont and St Andrews.  He started working as associate professor in 2018 in Naples, and in 2021 moved to the…

Articles written by this author

Daniel Shabasson

Daniel Shabasson has been a Spanish Teacher at the Beekman School, a high school located in New York, NY from 2017 through present. He holds Spanish (7-12) and German (7-12)…

Articles written by this author

Michael J. Shaffer

Michael J. Shaffer is currently professor of philosophy at St. Cloud State University.  He is also a fellow of the center for formal epistemology at Carnegie-Mellon University, a fellow of…

Articles written by this author

Helena Siipi

Helena Siipi works as a University Lecturer at the Philosophy Unit at the University of Turku, Finland. She earned her doctoral degree in 2005. She has published on various topics…

Articles written by this author

Ylwa Sjölin Wirling

Ylwa Sjölin Wirling is associate professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Gothenburg and Pro Futura Scientia fellow at the Swedish Collegium of Advanced Study. She works in epistemology, philosophy…

Articles written by this author

Lauri Snellman

Lauri Snellman has a ThD from the University of Helsinki (2020). He is now working at Uppsala Universitet on a research project on the logic of world-views and the overlap…

Articles written by this author

Nicola Spinelli

Nicola Spinelli obtained his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Warwick and he is currently a Research Associate at King's College London and, as a member of the 2016…

Articles written by this author

Giuseppe Spolaore

Giuseppe Spolaore is associate professor at the University of Padua. His research interests include the philosophy of language, philosophical logic, philosophy of time, metaphysics, and (meta)ontology. Most of his works…

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Hillel Steiner

Hillel Steiner is a Canadian political philosopher and is Emeritus Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Manchester. He was elected to the Fellowship of the British Academy in…

Articles written by this author

Christopher Stratman

Christopher Stratman is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Classics at The University of Texas at San Antonio. He received his PhD in philosophy…

Articles written by this author

Andrea Strollo

Andrea Strollo is Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Department of Humanities (DISU), University of Trieste. Formerly Associate Professor at the University of Nanjing in China,…

Articles written by this author

Luca Stroppa

Luca Stroppa, born 21st September 1995, is an Italian philosopher. He completed in 2017 his Bachelor's degree in Università Statale di Milano and in 2019 his Master's degree at Stockholm…

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Karsten R. Stueber

Karsten R. Stueber is a Professor of Philosophy at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. He is working at the intersection of the philosophy of mind, the…

Articles written by this author

Mirko Tagliaferri

Mirko Tagliaferri is a Research Fellow at the University of Urbino. His research interests are in logic, theoretical computer science and formal modelling. His works focus on the notions of…

Articles written by this author

Tuomas Tahko

Tuomas Tahko is Professor of Metaphysics of Science at the Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, UK. He works primarily on metaphysics and philosophy of science, and is the author…

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Luca Tambolo

Luca Tambolo is an independent researcher whose work includes writings on scientific realism, counterfactual histories of science, multiple discoveries, and science denial.

Articles written by this author

Maciej Tarnowski

Maciej Tarnowski is a Ph.D. candidate at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw. His main research interests include formal epistemology, modal logic and philosophical semantics, focusing…

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Gino Tarozzi

Gino Tarozzi, full professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Urbino since 1994, has investigated the foundations of quantum physics and the relationships between physics and epistemology. He has…

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Francesco Testini

Francesco Testini is currently adjunct professor of History of Political Theories at the University of Milan. Before coming to Milan, he was MCSA Fellow (Polonez Bis Program) at the Interdisciplinary Centre…

Articles written by this author

Joshua Rowan Thorpe

Joshua Rowan Thorpe is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Campinas, with a Ph.D from the University of Stirling. His interests include epistemology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of…

Articles written by this author

Claudine Tiercelin

Claudine Tiercelin is a Fench philosopher. She is a researche at the Institut Jean-Nicod of Paris, senior member of the Institut universitaire de France. She also teaches medieval and contemporary…

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Simona Tiribelli

Simona Tiribelli is Assistant Professor in Moral Philosophy at the Department of Political Science, Communication, and International Relations of the University of Macerata, where she teaches on Ethics of Artificial…

Articles written by this author

Alfredo Tomasetta

Alfredo Tomasetta is Associate Professor at the University School of Advanced Studies IUSS-Pavia. He is interested in philosophy of mind, personal ontology, phenomenology and classical Indian philosophy.

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Andrea Tortoreto

Andrea Tortoreto is a Contract professor in Philosophy of Language at the Università Telematica Pegaso. He has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Turin, contributing to the PRIN project The…

Articles written by this author

Alessandro Torza

Alessandro Torza is Permanent Research Fellow and Professor at the Institute for Philosophical Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), working on metaphysics and neighboring areas. He obtained…

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Antonella Tramacere

Antonella Tramacere carries out her research in the fields of philosophy of comparative and evolutionary psychology, neuroscience, and cognition. She pays particular attention to the foundation of self-consciousness and social understanding.…

Articles written by this author

Giovanni Tuzet

Giovanni Tuzet is Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. He studied law and philosophy in Turin and Paris and wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on…

Articles written by this author

Steven Umbrello

Steven Umbrello is the Managing Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, a researcher at the University of Turin in collaboration with the Collège des Bernardins, and a…

Articles written by this author

Joseph E. Uscinski

Joseph E. Uscinski is an associate professor in the Political Science Department at the University of Miami, Florida, USA.

Articles written by this author

Giuseppe Varnier

Giuseppe Varnier studied in Pisa and Bochum. He has worked on self-consciousness and German idealism, and is now working mainly on analytic epistemology, indexicals and quasi-indexicals.

Articles written by this author

Claudine Verheggen

Claudine Verheggen is Professor of Philosophy at York University, Toronto. Her research interests are in philosophy of language and related issues in philosophy of mind, metaphysics and epistemology (including normativity,…

Articles written by this author

Marta Maria Vilardo

Marta Maria Vilardo is a PhD student at the University of Catania. She works on philosophy of language, philosophy of knowledge, ontology, and mostly on history of analytic philosophy. Her…

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Paolo Vineis

Paolo Vineis is Chair of Environmental Epidemiology at Imperial College London and Visiting Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology (Genova). He is a leading researcher in the field of…

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Alberto Voltolini

Alberto Voltolini (PhD Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa 1989) is a philosopher of language and mind whose works have focused mainly on intentionality, depiction and fiction, perception, and Wittgenstein. He is…

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Marion Vorms

Marion Vorms is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in Birkbeck (Department of Psychological Sciences), UK, and a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy in University Paris 1, France.

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Michael Wallner

Michael Wallner is “Universitätsassistent” (assistant professor; fixed term) at the Philosophy Department at the University of Graz. He mainly works in metaphysics, epistemology, and phenomenology. In his research he focusses…

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Jennifer Wang

Jennifer Wang is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Simon Fraser University. Her research interests include modality, fundamentality, and classical Chinese philosophy.

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Andrew Ward

Andrew Ward teaches at the University of York (UK) of which he is an honorary life fellow in philosophy. His research interests include scepticism, philosophy of mind, and comparisons between…

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Andrew Werner

Andrew Werner has a PhD in philosophy from the University of Chicago, with a dissertation on Hegel's method in the Science of Logic ("Hegel's Speculative Method"). My work focuses on modern…

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Augusto Trujillo Werner

Augusto T. Werner is a PhD student at the University of Malaga (Spain). In a short time, he will be defending his doctoral thesis entitled “From ontology to ethics in…

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Nathan Wildman

Nathan Wildman is an assistant professor of philosophy at Tilburg University, and a member of the Tilburg Center for Moral Philosophy, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPs). His research focuses…

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Jon Williamson

Jon Williamson is Professor of Reasoning, Inference and Scientific Method, in the philosophy department and the Centre for Reasoning at the University of Kent, UK. He works on the philosophy…

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Timothy Williamson

Timothy Williamson, (born 6 August 1955) is a British philosopher whose main research interests are in philosophical logic, philosophy of language, epistemology and metaphysics. He is the Wykeham Professor of…

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Tobias Wilsch

Tobias Wilsch is a junior faculty member at Tübingen University and a visiting professor at Mainz University. He received his PhD on laws in metaphysics at Rutgers University in 2015,…

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Alastair Wilson

Alastair Wilson is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Birmingham, working on metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science and philosophy of physics. His doctoral thesis was on the metaphysics of…

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Jessica M. Wilson

Jessica M. Wilson (Ph.D Cornell, 2001) is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Wilson’s research focuses on metaphysics, philosophical methodology, and epistemology, with applications to philosophy of science…

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Casey Woodling

Casey Woodling is a lecturer in philosophy at Coastal Carolina University. He received an MA (2006) and a PhD (2011) in philosophy from the University of Florida. In between those…

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Takayashi Yagisawa

Takashi Yagisawa is a philosophy professor at California State University Northridge located in Northridge, California. Takashi Yagisawa is author of a large number of books and articles in different research…

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Luca Zanetti

Luca Zanetti is a PhD Student at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. His dissertation is on neo-Fregeanism in the philosophy of mathematics and metaphysical grounding. In 2018,…

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Giacomo Zanotti

Giacomo Zanotti obtained his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia. Before that, he studied at the University of Bologna.…

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Wojciech Żełaniec

Wojciech Żełaniec teaches philosophy at the University of Gdańsk (Poland), Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism. He is mainly interested in various issues from social philosophy, including all kinds of…

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Lisa Zorzato

Lisa Zorzato is a PhD candidate in Philosophy of Science at the University of Tartu (Estonia). Currently, she is a visiting researcher in the Philosophy Department of the National and…

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Peter Øhrstrøm

Peter Øhrstrøm is Professor of Information Studies at the Aalborg University, Denmark. He has worked on philosophy of time, philosophical logic, and ethics. He is the leader of the research…

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