Information for Authors
1. Manuscript preparation
First publication: Submission of a manuscript to Argumenta is understood to imply that the manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal and is offered to Argumenta for first publication.
Length: Please make sure your submission is the appropriate length for its article type: no more than 8,000 words for Original Articles (including notes and references), and no more than 3,500 words (including notes and references) for Discussions.
Editing: In the interest of expediting the review process and increasing chances of a successful submission, authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts that have been carefully edited with an eye to structure and style.
Anonymization: Please anonymize your submission for blind review. In particular, remove your name from the title page, headers and footers; remove any acknowledgments or references to personal communication; remove any references to your own published or unpublished manuscripts; remove references to other authors’ unpublished manuscripts, as references to such manuscripts can potentially reveal your identity or can suggest that you have personal contact with those authors (even if that is not the case).
Formatting: Please, use footnotes rather than endnotes; manuscripts should be in 12-point font with 2-cm (1-inch) margins; everything should be double spaced, including quotations and footnotes. When preparing your manuscript, please use one of the following formats: .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX (Windows Word), ODS (Open Office).
Abstract: Please include an abstract of no more than 250 words to upload with the manuscript.
2. Manuscript submission
Authors are required to submit manuscripts electronically using the procedure described at:
Typescripts should be carefully proofread before submission. It is advisable to pay close attention to English style: to this end, authors should have their work proofread by professional editing services.
Here are some suggestions:
- Lex Academic: (Authors who wish to use this service in submitting to Argumenta are entitled to a 15% discount. Using this service does not guarantee publication in Argumenta.)
- Kuttura Proofreading & Editing:
- Proofed.:
- Proof-Reading-Service:
- Stanford Proofreading:
- Scribendi:
- American Journal Experts:
- Cambridge Journal Language Editing Service:
3. Preparing accepted articles and book reviews
8000 words maximum for original articles.
3500 words maximum for discussions or critical notes.
Abstract of about 250 words.
4 keywords.
Footnotes, not endnotes.
Quotations longer than 3 lines should be detached from the main text.
Do not use contractions (e.g. write “do not” instead of “don’t”).
Dashes: Use em dash (without spaces). Example: … and Kant foresaw this too—as might have been expected.
Use single quotes when mentioning words (e.g., “the term ‘power’”). Use double quotes for quotations and scare quotes.
Use a hyphen with ‘non’ as a negative prefix. This is for emphasis and to distinguish a pure negation from a semantically congealed or distinct unit like ‘noncommittal’.
Put commas and all other punctuation (except “?” and “!”) outside quotes (single or double).
Use italics in introducing terms or definitions, and for variables (p, q, r, and A, B, and F…).
Citations: the Author-date system should be used in the main body of the text.
What I have been arguing shows that “we do think that there is a fact of the matter” (Putnam 1981: 163).
What I have been arguing stems from some of the central claims put forward by Putnam (1981).
What I have been arguing stems from some of the central claims put forward in Putnam 1981.
What I have been arguing stems from an idea put forward by Putnam (1981: 163).
Only works referred to in the paper should be gathered at the end, under the heading ‘References’, using the author-date system.
Broad, C.D. 1923, Scientific Thought, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Goodman, N. 1955, Fact, Fiction, and Forecast, Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.
Goodman, N. 1975, “Words, Works, Worlds”, Erkenntnis 9, 57-73.
Kant, I. 1781, The Critique of Pure Reason, London: Macmillan, 1929.
Yablo, S. 2009, “Must existence-questions have answers?”, in Chalmers D., D. Manley and R. Wasserman (eds.), Metametaphysics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 507-26.
Varzi, A.C. 2013a, “Fictionalism in Ontology”, in Barbero C. et al. (eds.), From Fictionalism to Realism, Newcastle (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 133-51.
Varzi, A.C. 2013b, “Mereology”, in E. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Winter 2013 Edition.
Book reviews
2500 words maximum.
Book reviews do not have titles.
Citations of the book under review by page number only.
Citations of other books or papers: See above.
(All the other norms for articles apply here.)
Books and book review proposals should be sent to the book reviews editor, Giulia Piredda.
Books: Dr. Giulia Piredda
IUSS Pavia
Paizza della Vittoria 15
27100 Pavia
Book review proposals: