Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Argumenta Issue 12

Including the Special Issue on Conditionals and Probability
May 2021 • 9 articles



The present issue of Argumenta opens with a Special Issue entitled Conditionals and Probability, edited by Alberto Mura. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that—without pretending to be totally exhaustive—it is a remarkable advance in a field relevant to the philosophy of language, the philosophy of science, philosophical logic, psychology, logic, linguistics, and AI.

For one thing, some of the articles represent a step towards a unified theory for conditional sentences, in that they try to encompass various kinds of conditionals in a single framework. And, for another, some articles stress the importance of the contribution Bruno de Finetti made to the topic towards the end of the 1920s, especially in the light of the most recent experimental research which has shown the connection between de Finetti’s notion of tri-events and everyday reasoning involving conditionals.

After the Special Issue, the section of Book Reviews rounds off the number. In this section, readers will find a careful assessment of three very interesting recent books—Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation edited by G. Bongiovanni, G. Postema, A. Rotolo, G. Sartor, C. Valentini, and D. Walton, Logic from Kant to Russell: Laying the Foundation for Analytic Philosophy edited by S. Lapointe, and Kant’s Critical Epistemology: Why Epistemology Must Consider Judgment First by K. Westphal.

Finally, I would like to thank all the colleagues who have acted as external referees, the Assistant Editors, the Editor of the Book Reviews, and the members of the Editorial Board. All of them have been very generous with their advice and suggestions.

All the articles appearing in Argumenta are freely accessible and freely downloadable; therefore it only remains to wish you:

Buona lettura!


Massimo Dell’Utri


