Argumenta – Journal of Analytic Philosophy

Argumenta Issue 04

Including the Special Issue on Thinking the (Im)possible
May 2017 • 13 articles




This second issue of the second volume of Argumenta opens with the Special Issue Thinking the (Im)possible, edited by Carola Barbero, Andrea Iacona and Alberto Voltolini. As the reader will appreciate, it assembles some of the leading researchers on the topic, marking an original contribution to a field of thought which has been a bone of contention throughout the whole history of philosophy, and has been further been excavated at the beginning of the present century—as the Guest Editors make clear in their informative Introduction.

After the Special Issue, we present an article on the philosophy of emotion, written by Talia Morag, who offers both commonsensical and scientific objections to the received view about the nature of the emotions, which she calls “the tracking Dogma”. Her challenging theses are very likely to provide substantial fuel for broadening and deepening the discussion of this theme.

Little more than a month ago the international philosophical community suffered from a great loss. Eva Picardi—a philosopher who greatly contributed to the development of analytic philosophy in Italy and abroad—passed away. In his obituary, Paolo Leonardi helps us to understand why and how her role in the contemporary philosophical reflection is irreplaceable.

The section of Book Reviews then rounds off the number. It is the first time that this section has appeared in Argumenta, and we are proud to offer readers three dispassionate reviews on as many interesting books.

As usual, all the articles appearing in Argumenta are freely accessible and freely downloadable; once again, we are very grateful to the colleagues who have acted as referees.

Buona lettura!

Massimo Dell’Utri



